Hi. I’m Tina.

I’m so glad you’re here!


Are You Ready for a Change?

Sepia image of Tina walking through a field looking down

The fact that you’re here means you’re longing for something to change.

Maybe you’re…

  • Tired of NOT being the mom you desperately want to be

  • Fed up with the stress and overwhelm of #allthethings

  • Seeking ways to bond more with your kids

  • Wanting to better balance life/work demands

Or maybe you can’t quite put your finger on the problem, but you know something is amiss.

If any of this sounds like you, know you’re in good company.

  • You’re not alone.

  • You’re not broken.

  • You’re not doing things wrong.

It’s just a sign that you’re done settling for a good enough life. You know in your bones something more is possible and you’re determined to figure out how to make it happen…

NOT just for you, but for your kids, too.

A person with long dark hair seen throwing leaves up into the air surrounded by trees of changing leaves in the fall.

The friction in your life is an indication that a new chapter awaits.

Maybe the friction is a whisper right now, or maybe it’s roaring throughout every aspect of your life.

Our lives were never meant to be stagnant. We aren’t meant to stay the same.

Motherhood can be one of the most significant invitations to your own self growth and evolution as a human.

This was true for me, and remains true to this day.

I experienced all the struggles above and the guilt to go along with it…until I finally prioritized myself.

That’s when my life changed.

Your life can change too.

“Let today be the day you give up who you’ve been for who you can become.”

Tina smiling with bright windows in back

— Hal Elrod