Life Coaching for Moms

Prioritizing your wellbeing
changes everything.

You matter, Mama

Prioritizing ourselves and our wellbeing seems like the last thing we should do as mothers, right?

That’s only because we’ve been told the lie that if we prioritize ourselves, that we don’t love our kids or that they’ll suffer somehow.

In fact, moms are groomed to be of service, so much so that ANY time, attention, money, or energy expended for ourselves is quickly judged as “selfish.”

It’s just not true.

The long-standing expectation of mothers to live in a perpetual state of service and selflessness as the sole indicators of love has contributed to the notion that we don’t matter, or at the very least, we need to be told how to parent.

In fact, it’s essential we change this narrative, not just for our own wellbeing, but for our kids.

You can free yourself

Woman standing in the sun with her hand on her head (credit: Xan Griffith via Unsplash)

Breaking free of the falsehoods we’ve long held as “ideal”—or worse, TRUTH—is essential if we want to feel less stress, establish meaningful connections with ourselves and our kids, and feel a sense of balance and control of our own lives.

Valuing and prioritizing ourselves is the answer to a lot of what ails us. It’s a healthy selfishness and it can:

  • Create connection with your kids

  • Reduce mom-guilt

  • Enhance your sense of meaning and fulfillment

  • Empower you to heal sabotaging patterns

  • and so much more!

Selfishness can be the gateway to all you want your life and motherhood to be.

It was for me. It can be for you, too.

You have all you need within you to create a life that feels true and beautiful…and the best part, your kids benefit just as much as you do.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”

—Viktor Frankl